Options in ewrap provide a flexible way to configure error behavior. Using the functional options pattern, you can customize how errors are created, logged, and handled while maintaining clean and extensible code.
Understanding Options¶
Options are functions that modify error behavior. They follow Go's functional options pattern, which allows for flexible and readable configuration. Each option function takes an error pointer and modifies its properties:
Built-in Options¶
The WithContext
option enriches errors with contextual information, including error type, severity, and relevant request data:
func processUser(ctx context.Context, userID string) error {
err := ewrap.New("user processing failed",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ewrap.ErrorTypeInternal, ewrap.SeverityError))
// The error now includes:
// - Error type and severity
// - Stack trace location
// - Request ID (if present in context)
// - User information (if present in context)
// - Operation name (if present in context)
// - Component name (if present in context)
// - Environment information
return err
The context option automatically extracts common values from the provided context:
for request tracinguser
for user identificationoperation
for operation namingcomponent
for system component identification
The WithLogger
option attaches a logger to the error, enabling automatic logging of error events:
// Create a logger (implementing the Logger interface)
logger := NewZapLogger()
// Attach logger to error
err := ewrap.New("database connection failed",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ewrap.ErrorTypeDatabase, ewrap.SeverityCritical))
// The error will automatically log:
// - Error creation
// - Context addition
// - Metadata changes
// - Stack trace information
The WithRetry
option configures retry behavior for recoverable errors:
err := ewrap.New("temporary network failure",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ewrap.ErrorTypeNetwork, ewrap.SeverityError),
ewrap.WithRetry(3, time.Second*5))
// The error now includes retry information:
// - Maximum retry attempts (3)
// - Delay between attempts (5 seconds)
// - Retry strategy configuration
Combining Options¶
Options can be combined to create rich error configurations:
func processOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string) error {
// Create an error with multiple options
return ewrap.New("order processing failed",
// Add context information
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ewrap.ErrorTypeInternal, ewrap.SeverityError),
// Attach logger
// Configure retry behavior
ewrap.WithRetry(3, time.Second*5))
Creating Custom Options¶
You can create custom options to extend error functionality:
// WithCorrelationID adds a correlation ID to the error
func WithCorrelationID(correlationID string) ewrap.Option {
return func(err *ewrap.Error) {
err.WithMetadata("correlation_id", correlationID)
// WithResource adds resource information to the error
func WithResource(resourceType, resourceID string) ewrap.Option {
return func(err *ewrap.Error) {
err.WithMetadata("resource_type", resourceType)
err.WithMetadata("resource_id", resourceID)
// Usage example
err := ewrap.New("resource access failed",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ewrap.ErrorTypePermission, ewrap.SeverityError),
WithResource("document", "doc-456"))
Best Practices¶
Option Organization¶
Group related options together for better readability:
// Configuration options
configOpts := []ewrap.Option{
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, errorType, severity),
// Retry options
retryOpts := []ewrap.Option{
ewrap.WithRetry(maxAttempts, delay),
// Combine all options
allOpts := append(configOpts, retryOpts...)
// Create error with combined options
err := ewrap.New("operation failed", allOpts...)
Option Factories¶
Create factory functions for commonly used option combinations:
// CreateHTTPErrorOptions creates standard options for HTTP handlers
func CreateHTTPErrorOptions(ctx context.Context, logger Logger) []ewrap.Option {
return []ewrap.Option{
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ewrap.ErrorTypeInternal, ewrap.SeverityError),
// Usage in HTTP handlers
func handleRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
opts := CreateHTTPErrorOptions(r.Context(), logger)
if err := processRequest(r); err != nil {
err = ewrap.Wrap(err, "request processing failed", opts...)
handleError(w, err)
Option Validation¶
When creating custom options, include validation logic:
// WithTimeout adds a timeout duration to the error
func WithTimeout(duration time.Duration) ewrap.Option {
return func(err *ewrap.Error) {
// Validate input
if duration <= 0 {
duration = time.Second * 30 // Default timeout
err.WithMetadata("timeout", duration.String())
err.WithMetadata("deadline", time.Now().Add(duration))
Dynamic Options¶
Create options that adapt based on conditions:
// WithEnvironmentAwareLogging adjusts logging based on environment
func WithEnvironmentAwareLogging(logger Logger) ewrap.Option {
return func(err *ewrap.Error) {
env := os.Getenv("APP_ENV")
switch env {
case "production":
// Use production logger settings
err.WithMetadata("log_level", "error")
err.WithMetadata("include_stack", true)
case "development":
// Use development logger settings
err.WithMetadata("log_level", "debug")
err.WithMetadata("include_stack", true)
// Use default settings
err.WithMetadata("log_level", "info")