Error Types and Severity¶
Understanding error types and severity levels is fundamental to using ewrap effectively. This guide explains the built-in error categorization system and how to leverage it for better error handling.
Error Types Explained¶
Error types in ewrap are more than just labels - they represent distinct categories of failures that can occur in your application. Each type suggests different handling strategies and helps maintain consistency in how errors are processed throughout your system.
Built-in Error Types¶
const (
ErrorTypeUnknown ErrorType = iota
Let's explore each error type and its intended use:
Used when an error doesn't clearly fit into other categories. While it's available as a fallback, you should try to use more specific error types when possible.
err := ewrap.New("unexpected error occurred",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeUnknown, SeverityError))
For errors related to input validation, data formatting, or business rule violations. These errors typically indicate that the request or data being processed doesn't meet required criteria.
func validateUser(user User) error {
if user.Age < 18 {
return ewrap.New("user must be 18 or older",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeValidation, SeverityError)).
WithMetadata("provided_age", user.Age).
WithMetadata("minimum_age", 18)
return nil
Indicates that a requested resource doesn't exist. This is particularly useful in API endpoints and database operations.
func getUser(ctx context.Context, userID string) (*User, error) {
user, err := db.FindUser(userID)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, ewrap.New("user not found",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeNotFound, SeverityWarning)).
WithMetadata("user_id", userID)
return user, err
For authorization and authentication failures. These errors indicate that the operation failed due to insufficient permissions or invalid credentials.
func validateAccess(ctx context.Context, userID string, resource string) error {
if !hasPermission(userID, resource) {
return ewrap.New("access denied",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypePermission, SeverityWarning)).
WithMetadata("user_id", userID).
WithMetadata("resource", resource).
WithMetadata("required_role", "admin")
return nil
Used for database-related errors, including connection issues, query failures, and transaction problems.
func saveUserData(ctx context.Context, user User) error {
if err := db.Insert(user); err != nil {
return ewrap.Wrap(err, "failed to save user data",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeDatabase, SeverityCritical)).
WithMetadata("table", "users").
WithMetadata("operation", "insert")
return nil
For network-related failures, including API calls, service communication, and connectivity issues.
func callExternalAPI(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) error {
resp, err := http.Get(endpoint)
if err != nil {
return ewrap.Wrap(err, "API call failed",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeNetwork, SeverityError)).
WithMetadata("endpoint", endpoint).
WithMetadata("timeout_seconds", 30)
return nil
Used when errors occur due to misconfiguration or invalid settings.
func loadConfig(ctx context.Context, path string) (*Config, error) {
cfg, err := parseConfig(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, ewrap.Wrap(err, "invalid configuration",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeConfiguration, SeverityCritical)).
WithMetadata("config_path", path).
WithMetadata("invalid_fields", getInvalidFields(err))
return cfg, nil
For internal system errors that aren't caused by external factors or user input.
func processData(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
if err := internalProcess(data); err != nil {
return ewrap.Wrap(err, "internal processing failed",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeInternal, SeverityCritical)).
WithMetadata("process_id", getCurrentProcessID()).
WithMetadata("memory_usage", getMemoryUsage())
return nil
For errors originating from external services or systems.
func callPaymentProvider(ctx context.Context, payment Payment) error {
result, err := paymentProvider.Process(payment)
if err != nil {
return ewrap.Wrap(err, "payment processing failed",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeExternal, SeverityCritical)).
WithMetadata("provider", "stripe").
WithMetadata("payment_id", payment.ID).
WithMetadata("status_code", result.StatusCode)
return nil
Severity Levels¶
Severity levels help indicate the impact and urgency of an error. ewrap provides four severity levels:
Using Severity Levels Effectively¶
The choice of severity level should reflect the impact of the error on your system:
For informational messages that don't indicate a problem but might be useful for debugging or monitoring.
func auditAction(ctx context.Context, action string) error {
return ewrap.New("action audited",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeInternal, SeverityInfo)).
WithMetadata("action", action).
WithMetadata("timestamp", time.Now())
For issues that don't prevent the system from functioning but require attention.
func checkDiskSpace(ctx context.Context) error {
if usage := getDiskUsage(); usage > 80 {
return ewrap.New("high disk usage detected",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeInternal, SeverityWarning)).
WithMetadata("usage_percentage", usage).
WithMetadata("threshold", 80)
return nil
For significant issues that prevent a specific operation from completing successfully.
func processOrder(ctx context.Context, order Order) error {
if err := validateOrder(order); err != nil {
return ewrap.Wrap(err, "order validation failed",
ewrap.WithContext(ctx, ErrorTypeValidation, SeverityError)).
WithMetadata("order_id", order.ID)
return nil
For severe issues that might affect system stability or require immediate attention.